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Doba AJackson

Doba Jackson, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry


Phone Number: (334) 833-4269
Office and/or Address: Bellingrath Hall, Room 105B


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Pennsylvania State University
  • Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Toledo
  • B.S., Chemistry, Northern Michigan University


Dr. Doba Jackson, a native of Detroit, Mich., arrived at Huntingdon College in the fall of 2006. His specializations are biochemistry and molecular biophysics. Prior to his appointment at the College, Dr. Jackson worked for four years as a postdoctoral research scientist at the Center for Gene Regulation, Pennsylvania State University. During his postdoctoral tenure, Dr. Jackson developed novel crystal forms of macromolecules containing multiple copies of proteins and DNA molecules. In 2003, Dr. Jackson won an NSF-postdoctoral fellowship for crystallization of genomic macromolecular complexes. Dr. Jackson’s other research awards include: a Finn-Wold Travel award from the Protein Society in July 2001, a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program in July 2000, and a small research grant from the University of Toledo in 1997.

Dr. Jackson’s main teaching specialty is Organic Chemistry, however he also teaches Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, and General Chemistry. While in graduate school in 1997, Dr. Jackson won the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for the best teaching assistant, nominated by both students and faculty.

Dr. Jackson’s research focuses on understanding the chemical and physical principles of crystallization of macromolecules. The research crosses over several disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

Honors and Awards

  • National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Biological Sciences
  • Department of Defense U.S. Army Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Breast Cancer Research
  • Research Grant, University of Toledo
  • Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Assistant, University of Toledo

Research Publications and Presentations

  • Jackson, D.; D. Sermwittayawong; S. Tan. “Mutational Analysis of SAGA Binding to TBP via the Spt8 Sub-unit.” In prep. for Genes and Development as of 5 Mar. 2008.
  • Jackson, D.; S. Tan. “Purification and Crystallization of MATalpha1/MCM1/DNA Ternary Complex.” In prep. for Protein Expression and Purification as of 5 Mar. 2008.
  • Jackson, D.; S. Tan. “Co-crystallization of Multiprotein-DNA Ternary Complexes for Structural Analysis: the MATa1 and MATa2 Complexes with MCM1 and DNA.” Structural Biology Symposium, Huck Institute in Life Sciences, Lewisburg, PA. 6 Aug. 2004.
  • Jackson, D.; K. Dhar; J. Wahl; M.S. Wold; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Analysis of the Human Replication Protein A/Rad52 Complex: Evidence for Crosstalk between RPA32, RPA70, Rad52 and DNA.” Journal of Molecular Biology 321 (2002): 133-48.
  • Jackson, D.; K. Dhar; M.S. Wold; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Analysis of the Rad52/RPA Complex: Evidence for Crosstalk between RPA32, RPA70, Rad52 and ssDNA.” Era of Hope: Breast Cancer Research Program, U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, Orlando. 27 Sept. 2002.
  • Jackson, D.; W. Ranatunga; J. Lloyd, A. Forget; K. Knight; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Self-association of the C-terminal Region of Human Rad52 and its Association with Replication Protein A.” 15th Annual Protein Society Meeting, Philadelphia. 27 July 2001.
  • Jackson, D.; W. Ranatunga; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Self-association of the C-terminal Half of Rad52.” 10th Annual Biomedical Sciences Symposium, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo. 15 May 2001.
  • Ranatunga, W.; D. Jackson; J. Lloyd; A. Forget; K. Knight; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Human Rad52 Exhibits Two Modes of Self-association.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 276.19 (2001): 15876-80.
  • Ranatunga, W.; D. Jackson; R. Flowers; G.E.O. Borgstahl. “Human Rad52 Has Extreme Thermal Stability.” Biochemistry 40 (2001): 8557-62.


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